Young Mediterranean Voices at the Summit of The Two Shores

The Anna Lindh Foundation’s association with the Summit of the Two Shores was announced as part of the broader initiative of the President of the French Republic to define "a different Mediterranean policy by learning from all of the successes and shortcomings and involving civil society to recreate a more inclusive Mediterranean policy”. The initiative was anchored by a Summit hosted in Marseille in June 2019 with the Head of State/Government from the 5+5 Western Mediterranean Dialogue counties, the European Union and Germany, Mediterranean organisations (Union for the Mediterranean and the Anna Lindh Foundation), international institutions (World Bank, European Investment Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Organisations for Economic Cooperation and Development) and 100 civil society representatives from the two shores of the Mediterranean.
In preparation for the Summit, a far-reaching process took place from January to mid-June aimed at putting civil society at the heart of the renewed regional cooperation, including five preparatory fora on the main themes of the Summit.
Young Mediterranean Voices delegates were engaged at the “Youth, Education and Mobility” Summit in Malta (24-25 April, 2019). The Forum was co-moderated by alumni of Young Mediterranean Voices and the event included online connections with young leaders in remote locations across the Mediterranean as part of the Commission “Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange”programme (DG Education and Culture).
Additionally, members of Young Mediterranean Voices programme were invited to take forward the output of the Malta Forum (24-25 April, 2019) in the pre-Summit meetings in Montpelier (2-3 May, 2019) and Tunis (11 June, 2019), ahead of the main Summit on 24 June, 2019 in Marseille, championing the call for “Investment in a Mediterranean Generation.”