Young Mediterranean Voices National Debate Forums 2020, going virtual!
Young Mediterranean Voices (YMV) is launching a two month-long, region-wide programme of debate tournaments and national dialogue forums between October and November 2020, across 8 South Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia). The Debate Forums are a continuation of the YMV contribution to lead and drive the 2030 Global Agenda for Sustainable Development.
This year, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced to limit the programme's face to face interactions however, technology has given us unprecedented opportunities for learning, dialogue, and connectedness. The National Debate Forums will be delivered virtually and face-to-face, depending on the host country, bringing over 600 young debaters and facilitators from across cities and villages.
The 2030 Global Agenda for Sustainable Development
The National Debate Forums will highlight national and global priorities under the framework of SDGs, it will be an opportunity for young people to exchange their views, to dialogue and to find innovative and sustainable solutions.
Therefore, the Forum proposes the following SDGs:
- SDG3: Health and Wellbeing
- SDG4: Quality Education
- SDG5: Gender Equality
- SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
- SDG10: Reduce Inequality within and among countries
- SDG13: Climate Action
- SDG16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
Capacity Building:
The Forums will further develop youth's leadership and dialogue skills through capacity building sessions including policy motions, policy process, advocacy, setting up and sustaining debate clubs, understanding sustainable development, in addition to other subjects.
Policy Dialogue:
Additionally, we are inviting relevant stakeholders to Policy Dialogues, where youth will present policy recommendations as a result of the debate forum to policy makers and influencers in collaboration with European Delegations and national/local authorities, as a means to generate dialogue and mentor the young debaters in sharpening their content in order to formulate actions for the policy recommendations.